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About Simple Econ

Simple Econ was created to give readers a quick and easy way to understand the economy and beat the 24/7 noise and constant fear mongering that is happening around the world.

Please Subcribe. You will feel more confident as a consumer and investor, because you will have the simple facts you need to understand the U.S. and global economy, and HOW IT AFFECTS YOU.

About Bob Gray

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Bob grew up in Columbus, Ohio and graduated from The Ohio State University with a Degree in Communications and a minor in Business. He has worked in television, advertising and commercial production and spent most of his corporate life working in national and international marketing, sales promotion, and new country development for one of the world’s top brands.

Today, Bob is a retired founding partner of an independent, fiduciary, and fee based wealth management business still operating in the Chicago are and 36 other states.

Bob is still active in studying the financial markets along with global economic interactions and dynamics. He has written numerous magazine and newspaper articles and appeared on numerous business-oriented radio and tv interviews. For many years Bob has spoken to large and small groups on economics and its policy effects on the financial markets.

Bob is still active in groups that advocate for small business and volunteers for several local charities and charitable boards and enjoys mentoring and working with “at risk” youth.